Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back Among the "Living"

Finally, after what seemed much longer than 4 months, we have internet access at our home! Yeah! I'm finally catching up on some neglected correspondence and updating our blog. We truly feel like we are back among the living! Having internet at the home has also allowed Bryant to be home more. He can do more homework and research from here now and not have to spend time at the library or at school. It is great to have him home (even when he is holed-up in his office)!

Lots has happened in the past month since I last posted! Marcus is still adjusting perfectly. Just a few typical toddler moments, but those truly are short lived. Thank goodness for a short attention span and being easily diverted by something fun!

We had a lot of fun in August when Nana Roe (Bryant's mom) and Uncle Kevin came to visit! Marcus had so much fun playing with them and showing them around his new house and town. We even went to the Leavenworth County Fair (I will post pictures of that soon). It is a true, rural, small county fair -- the best kind! Marcus had a blast! He loved seeing the animals and getting so close to them. He had a hot dog for dinner (one of his favorite meals!). He rode lots of rides (including one that made Mommy very nervous). He finished off the night with a bowl of chocolate ice cream! That same weekend, we went to a cookout for Daddy's small group at school. The best part was Marcus got to feed some horses and go fishing. He even saw a skunk (which he insists was blue)! We had such fun with Nana Roe and Uncle Kevin. Can't wait for them to come back and to bring Papa Lee with them.

Marcus has had fun making new friends. Nathan lives next door. Zach lives at Fort Leavenworth and his Daddy went to the Citadel with Bryant. Will lives up the road and is a fellow USMC kid! His Mom and Dad and big brother Trae are friends of ours from Quantico and Camp Pendleton. Marcus has meet sisters named Grace and Caroline (not to be confused with his cousins Gracen and Caroline)! Their mom Miss Sydney is one of Marcus' favorite people (we are pretty sure it's the M&Ms she gives him!) All in all, he is surrounded by a bunch of fun new friends!

On the horizon, we have First City Festival here in Leavenworth this weekend. We'll be helping with the booth that our church is sponsoring and looking forward to exploring downtown a bit more. Next Friday, Sept 18, Bryant will have surgery on his knee. . . AGAIN! Yes for those paying attention, he had his knee scoped back in January. They are going back in and hopefully finding out what is causing pain and swelling (and fixing it!) In October, we are planning a 3rd birthday party for Marcus (he turns 3 on October 12!). Then Marcus and I will be taking a trip to SC for a visit -- our first trip on an airplane just the 2 of us!

I am amazed each night as we put Marcus to bed at how much I can love someone! He brings us so much joy. I tell people we are "over the moon" in love with him and we truly are!

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