Saturday, February 21, 2009

Link to Pictures

Here is a link to an on-line photo album with pictures from Bryant's Promotion Ceremony!

Finally getting started!

Finally! 2009 started off with a bang and we haven't slowed down much. I finally found a few minutes to stop and think about our blog.

Here is a quick update from us:

  • January 1, Bryant was promoted to Major. (I'll post more pictures of the ceremony soon). A very exciting milestone in his career.

  • Jan 12 Bryant had arthroscopic knee surgery to repair some damage. Trying to keep up with the young Marines finally caught up with him! He's doing well and healing nicely. Should be cleared to run again soon.

  • January was full of ups and downs with regards to our plans to adopt. We are making great progress with our efforts to adopt our special little boy in South Carolina. Just waiting on a court hearing in April so we can move forward. Mean while, we were still open to adopting a child here in CA. We actually had 3 cases presented to us and one was very promising! We went through all the steps to find out at the last minute that the birth mother was going to be given 6 months to get her act together. While we certain wish her the best, her history is not good and it's very certain the baby will eventually be put back "in the system". No matter, we know God has a plan for us and we are waiting to see what all it involves!

  • The big news in January is that Bryant was selected to attend the Army's Command and General Staff School at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. So we are heading to the mid-west this spring! We head out to do some "house hunting" next week.

So that's a quick update from us. We'll post more about our house hunting trip and any other exciting news that may pop up!