Monday, February 1, 2010

Another Overdue Update

I can't believe it's been close to 3 months since I last posted to our blog. As I read through my last post, there were times it felt like some of those events happened just yesterday and others a lifetime ago. So much has happened and changed in our lives. As most of you know, we lost our son Jacob on Dec 21. He was born at only 18 weeks gestation. The medical world says that is a miscarriage, but we think of it as a stillbirth. Bryant and I were able to name him, have him baptized and to spend time holding him - saying hello and good-bye in a single moment. He was the tiniest thing I had ever seen -- only 9 oz and 8 3/4 inches, but he was perfect. He had 10 perfect long fingers like his Daddy and 10 funny toes like his Mommy. We were blessed with compassionate and experienced nurses and doctors. They treated Jacob with such care and respect. They created a special memory box for us with some pictures, tiny feet and hand prints and a blanket that Jacob was wrapped in while in their care. It has taken some time, but we are finally feeling like our feet are back on the ground and we are moving forward with life. We miss Jacob so much, but we know he is with God in heaven watching over us.

It was hard to explain everything to Marcus. He had just started to talk about the new baby and his little brother. However, I think he may get it more than we know. The other day while we were driving along in the car, Marcus and I were singing "He's Got The Whole World in His Hands". When the verse about "the little bitty baby" came around, Marcus said, "A little baby like my baby. My baby with Jesus." When I asked him who he was talking about, he said, "Jacob Mommy! My angel." If I hadn't been driving, I think I would have hugged him for hours! He certainly has been our main source of happiness and joy during such a sad time.

We had a VERY white Christmas here in Kansas. Over 20 inches fell! It was beautiful. We had so much fun celebrating our first Christmas as a family! Seeing the season through a child's eyes is magical! While we missed being with our extended family, we cherished this special Christmas at home. Marcus was so overwhelmed with all the gifts he received from family and friends. He hardly knew what to think! (I'll get some photos uploaded soon!) He is still singing "Jingle Bells" and "Santa Claus is Coming to Town!"

One piece of news I almost forgot to share is that we found out in December that we will be staying here in Kansas another year - yeah! We are so excited that Bryant was selected to attend the School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) here at Fort Leavenworth. So we'll be around until the summer of 2011!

Hard to believe we are a month into 2010! So far this year has been a good one for us. We are excited to see what all it holds for our family and friends. I'll do better at posting updates and will get some pictures uploaded. Until next time. . .

Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Long Awaited Update

Well, it's been a long time since we've posted an update and a lot has happened!
First, on November 2, Marcus Nathaniel Butler became 100% officially, legally our son! Needless to say we are so thrilled to be at the end of the "process" and to be "official." We had a great time celebrating with family and friends.

Our other big news is that Marcus is going to be a big brother in May! We are pregnant and are so excited to be adding to our growing family. We have had a few scares with some bleeding. I was admitted to the hospital for a couple of days to monitor things. The good news is that the baby is doing great -- we see a strong heartbeat and good movement on the ultrasounds. The not so good news is that I am on modified bed rest for a while -- meaning I can get up to go to the bathroom and shower and to get something to eat or drink, but other than that, I'm laying or sitting down. My doctor said the official instructions are to be a "couch potato" and be waited on as much as possible (including no housework!).

Since being a "couch potato" with a 3-year old is hard to do, we are so blessed to have family and friends to help us. Our church family has jumped in to bring dinner for several nights and offers to transport visiting family. Bryant's Mom (a.k.a. Nana Roe!) is arriving today! My sister Kathryn and niece Laura will arrive on Nov 28. Then we'll see who comes next. If we can make it to Dec. 18 with some help during each week, we'll be set! Then Bryant will be off for 2 weeks to enjoy the holidays. We are praying that things will continue to get better and I can get back to being up and about more. The worst part of this for me (besides worrying about the baby) is that we probably will not make it "home" to S.C. for Christmas this year. We were really looking forward to a trip home for Marcus' first Christmas with us. But we know we will have special memories here in our home in Kansas.

The final big news to share (at least Marcus thinks it's big news) is that we had our first snow here in Kansas on Monday Nov 16! It was so pretty to watch it fall. It was only about an inch and the rain that followed washed it away quickly. It was neat to see "winter" again after 3 years in summery CA!

We hope all our friends and family have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! We have so much to be thankful for this year! We hope you do too!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Marcus!!

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Marcus, Happy Birthday to you!!! We are celebrating Marcus' 3rd Birthday today. We had a farm-themed party last Friday with some of Marcus' new friends. We had so much fun. We played games, ate burgers and hot dogs, had yummy cake and ice cream! Marcus is very blessed with a lot of great friends here in Kansas. To check out the fun, here is link to an on-line album of pictures

Today, we headed out to Target for Marcus to pick out a new tricycle! He also picked out a cool new helmet and some new "race cars" (his new fascination thanks to the movie Cars)! Any car with a spoiler on it is a "race car"-- no matter what it looks like! It's so funny to be walking through a parking lot and hear him yell "race car" only to see an early 1990s Pontiac sedan with a spoiler on the back! We had a fun birthday lunch at Longhorn Steak House. Our waitress Renee was great. She doted on Marcus the entire meal after he told her it was his birthday. She brought him a cool twisty straw, a little trophy with a birthday sticker and the best part was the hot fudge sundae with 3 cherries for his 3rd birthday.

He's had so many phone calls from family and friends. Any time the phone rings he asks, "For me?" What a lucky little boy to have so many people who love him!

Happy Birthday Marcus! We love you so much and can't wait to celebrate lots and lots of birthdays with you!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Great news!

We received word and official paperwork that our Finalization Hearing for Marcus' adoption will be November 2! We are so excited that our request to shorten the wait time was approved and that we could get a court date so fast.

Marcus and I leave on Wednesday the 14th to head to S.C. for a visit. We are just going to stay around until November 3! Bryant will fly out on Oct 30 to celebrate Halloween with us and be there for the hearing. We'll all get to fly home together!

It's hard to believe that a year ago at this time, we were waiting to get our home study approval! Now we are about to officially in the eyes of the court have Marcus as our son -- of course, we don't need a court to tell us that!

We appreciate all the support, prayers, and love that everyone has given to us through this process. We certainly have learned a lot and hope that some day we can help another family navigate "the system" that is so complicated! We know every obstacle and delay was worth it when we look in Marcus' sweet smiling face. I guess that was our pregnancy, labor and delivery -- just took over 18 months!

We celebrated Marcus' 3rd birthday on Friday night. I'll wait to post some info and pictures about that on his actual birthday on Monday!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fun at the Farm

On Saturday, we visited the Red Barn Farm in Weston, MO. What a fun day!! It was overcast and a bit chilly (especially when the wind would blow), but we still had a great time. Marcus was so excited to go to a real farm with animals and tractors!! Look out Grandpa Lee -- you may have a farming apprentice on your hands!

We took a fun tractor-pulled hayride out to the pumpkin patch where we were able to pick out the perfect pumpkins for our front steps! We picked out 3 -- one for each of us! Then we visited the animals -- chickens, turkeys, goats, miniature horses! Marcus even got to pet one of the tiny horses on the back.

We had so much fun that we know we will go back for another visit! Next time we'll take the horse-drawn hayride to explore into the woods! Should be fun. Check out our pictures at

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Where has September gone?

Somehow, August flew right past us and now September is almost gone too! We have had a busy start to the fall like so many of our friends and family. Bryant's schools are keeping him busy, Marcus is enjoying playtime with friends and the weather for playing outside, and I am keeping busy keeping up with Marcus and Bryant!

Last Friday, Sept 18, Bryant had his right knee "scoped" again. This time the doctor cleaned up some damage behind his knee cap from arthritis and repaired a "leak" that was creating a cyst. He told us that Bryant really shouldn't run any more -- ever. Then he laughed and said "I realize that I am talking to a Marine!" He'll do some physical therapy and then can start cross-training -- running only when mandatory! The procedure went well, and the staff at the Munson Health Center at Fort Leavenworth were great. Bryant even made it home about 5 hours soon than he did last time. Marcus has been Daddy's "big helper" -- bringing him things and following him around the house.

I started playing handbells with the choir at church a couple of weeks ago. I have surprised myself at how I picked back up with it after 10 years away. It's a lot of fun, and I am enjoying getting to know my fellow "ringers."

Marcus and I have enjoyed story-time each week at the Leavenworth Public Library. We have heard some fun stories and have made some neat crafts! Next week we will learn about wagon trains!

We are in full birthday planning mode too! Marcus turns 3 on October 12! We are planning a farm-themed cookout/birthday party with some of our new friends here in Kansas. I am trying hard not to go overboard with the planning! It's so hard because I keep finding so many cute things! Bryant is keeping me under control.

Hard to believe summer is behind us and fall is making it's way in. The leaves here are changing and there is a nip in the air at night. We are enjoying our first "real" fall in 3 years! Looking forward to fun fall activities and the holidays that won't be far behind!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back Among the "Living"

Finally, after what seemed much longer than 4 months, we have internet access at our home! Yeah! I'm finally catching up on some neglected correspondence and updating our blog. We truly feel like we are back among the living! Having internet at the home has also allowed Bryant to be home more. He can do more homework and research from here now and not have to spend time at the library or at school. It is great to have him home (even when he is holed-up in his office)!

Lots has happened in the past month since I last posted! Marcus is still adjusting perfectly. Just a few typical toddler moments, but those truly are short lived. Thank goodness for a short attention span and being easily diverted by something fun!

We had a lot of fun in August when Nana Roe (Bryant's mom) and Uncle Kevin came to visit! Marcus had so much fun playing with them and showing them around his new house and town. We even went to the Leavenworth County Fair (I will post pictures of that soon). It is a true, rural, small county fair -- the best kind! Marcus had a blast! He loved seeing the animals and getting so close to them. He had a hot dog for dinner (one of his favorite meals!). He rode lots of rides (including one that made Mommy very nervous). He finished off the night with a bowl of chocolate ice cream! That same weekend, we went to a cookout for Daddy's small group at school. The best part was Marcus got to feed some horses and go fishing. He even saw a skunk (which he insists was blue)! We had such fun with Nana Roe and Uncle Kevin. Can't wait for them to come back and to bring Papa Lee with them.

Marcus has had fun making new friends. Nathan lives next door. Zach lives at Fort Leavenworth and his Daddy went to the Citadel with Bryant. Will lives up the road and is a fellow USMC kid! His Mom and Dad and big brother Trae are friends of ours from Quantico and Camp Pendleton. Marcus has meet sisters named Grace and Caroline (not to be confused with his cousins Gracen and Caroline)! Their mom Miss Sydney is one of Marcus' favorite people (we are pretty sure it's the M&Ms she gives him!) All in all, he is surrounded by a bunch of fun new friends!

On the horizon, we have First City Festival here in Leavenworth this weekend. We'll be helping with the booth that our church is sponsoring and looking forward to exploring downtown a bit more. Next Friday, Sept 18, Bryant will have surgery on his knee. . . AGAIN! Yes for those paying attention, he had his knee scoped back in January. They are going back in and hopefully finding out what is causing pain and swelling (and fixing it!) In October, we are planning a 3rd birthday party for Marcus (he turns 3 on October 12!). Then Marcus and I will be taking a trip to SC for a visit -- our first trip on an airplane just the 2 of us!

I am amazed each night as we put Marcus to bed at how much I can love someone! He brings us so much joy. I tell people we are "over the moon" in love with him and we truly are!